Lead Pastors / Music Director / Nursery and Toddler Coordinator
Pastor Joel, Regina and Brianna have been serving FreeLife Church, formerly Winder Church of God, as our lead pastors since 2012.
Both Pastor Joel and Regina were raised in a pastors home. They have served in many churches, camp meetings, city wide crusades, youth camps and other events. They have ministered at International Church of God Winterfest, Sonfest in Florida, Amplify Middle School Winterfest in Tennessee as well as national evangelism conferences. They have served along side Dr. Tim Hill, Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Bishop Floyd Lawhon, Dr. Perry Stone, Pastor Clint Brown, Pastor Tommy Bates, and many more. They co birthed a youth conference, Praisefest now known as Shabbach. They have served as Georgia state evangelist for the Church of God for 8 years averaging 286 revival services per year. Some revivals lasting from 10 weeks to 9 months at the same church. They have appeared on Christian television as well as radio stations around the nation. They are still being called upon to preach youth camps, revivals, camp meetings, conferences and other ministry opportunities across the nation sharing the great news of Jesus, mending generational gaps, breaking cultural barriers, and helping this generation experience a revolutionary move of God.
- Pastor Joel has been in full time ministry for more than 35 years. He preached his first revival at just 12 years old. He has served as an evangelist for most of his ministry. He has previously served as an assistant pastor, praise and worship leader and youth pastor. The youth group grew from 15 to 150. To God be all the glory! He loves to fish, golf, riding his mower and working in the yard as well as the Georgia Bulldogs football. Go Dawgs!
- Pastor Regina is our music director. She is a song writer, musician, and praise and worship leader. Her passion is helping lead people into the presence of God so they can have an encounter with Him that could change their lives! She also serves as our nursery and toddler coordinator. She loves Hallmark movies, decorating shows, and pinterest.
- Brianna loves worshipping, dancing and singing, pranking her dad, crushed oreos with milk, swimming, volleyball and Six Flags.
They are true servants for the Lord! They love God, their family and their church family!
Music Pastor
Pastor Regina is our music Pastor. She is a song writer, accomplished musician, and praise and worship leader. Her passion is helping lead people into the presence of God so they can have an encounter with Him that could change their lives! She also serves as our nursery and toddler coordinator. She loves her family, Hallma
Music Pastor
Pastor Regina is our music Pastor. She is a song writer, accomplished musician, and praise and worship leader. Her passion is helping lead people into the presence of God so they can have an encounter with Him that could change their lives! She also serves as our nursery and toddler coordinator. She loves her family, Hallmark movies, decorating shows, and pinterest.
- WOW Women's Ministry Coordinator/ Administrative Assistant
Sister Lynn is the Office Manager and Administrative Assistant to Pastor. She is our women's coordinator for our WOW Women's Ministry! She has a burden to reach out to ladies from all walks of life. Encouraging and lifting them up through helping, prayin
- WOW Women's Ministry Coordinator/ Administrative Assistant
Sister Lynn is the Office Manager and Administrative Assistant to Pastor. She is our women's coordinator for our WOW Women's Ministry! She has a burden to reach out to ladies from all walks of life. Encouraging and lifting them up through helping, praying, training, and equipping them in being all God desires them to be.
Lynn truly has a heart for God and a loyalty to her church family!
Elder / World Missions Director/ Finance Team
Minister John serves on our Elder board. He is an exhorted licensed with the Church of God. He also heads up our World Missions Ministry. He has traveled to many nations birthing churches, preaching crusades, youth conferences, discipling other ministers, reaching 1000'
Elder / World Missions Director/ Finance Team
Minister John serves on our Elder board. He is an exhorted licensed with the Church of God. He also heads up our World Missions Ministry. He has traveled to many nations birthing churches, preaching crusades, youth conferences, discipling other ministers, reaching 1000's in villages and making kingdom connections with other ministries to share the gospel of Jesus to the mission fields of the world.
He also serves as a member of our finance team.
Minister John is married to Stella, and they are successful entrepreneurs. Together, they are a marital ministry team of the gospel!
Brother Ray - Elder
Sister Brenda - Finance Team
Brother Ray serves on our Elder board.
Sister Brenda serves on our finance team.
They have been an integral part of our church, pillars of FreeLife Church.
Sister Brenda has previously served as a church clerk for 20 years. She also established our Storehouse Outreach Ministry!
Children's Church Coordinator - K-5th grade / Married Couples Ministry
Jalina heads up our children's church. She truly has a heart for our little people. She also serves on our praise and worship team.
Together, they lead our Married Couples Ministry. Their desire is to demonstrate the love of Jesus, have a gr
Children's Church Coordinator - K-5th grade / Married Couples Ministry
Jalina heads up our children's church. She truly has a heart for our little people. She also serves on our praise and worship team.
Together, they lead our Married Couples Ministry. Their desire is to demonstrate the love of Jesus, have a great time connecting, and doing life together as disciples of Jesus Christ.
They were both raised in church and have served in many capacities within the church.
They have been married for over 10 years and have 3 beautiful children. They love their church family, and they love the Lord!
Awaken Youth Coordinators - 6th - 12th grade
James and Kristi are the coordinators of our middle school as well as our high school youth. Their goal is to awaken this generation to the love of Jesus, lead them to powerful encounters with God, and help them to reach their full destiny.
They have served in many ca
Awaken Youth Coordinators - 6th - 12th grade
James and Kristi are the coordinators of our middle school as well as our high school youth. Their goal is to awaken this generation to the love of Jesus, lead them to powerful encounters with God, and help them to reach their full destiny.
They have served in many capacities within youth ministries. God has used them to connect with students on levels they understand. They truly love on the students with the love of God!
Outreach Director / Single's Ministry
Minister Donna is an Exhorted License Minister with the Church of God. She has a heavy burden for the homeless and less fortunate. She has a burning passion to serve this community. She has helped us expand our reaching ability to other cities and counties concerning the ho
Outreach Director / Single's Ministry
Minister Donna is an Exhorted License Minister with the Church of God. She has a heavy burden for the homeless and less fortunate. She has a burning passion to serve this community. She has helped us expand our reaching ability to other cities and counties concerning the homeless.
She is the founder and director of Humble Beginnings in Pendergrass, GA. This Ministry has touched countless people. She has graciously opened her own home to those less fortunate.
She also serves as our Singles Coordinator.
She is passionate about preaching the gospel of Jesus, loving people, and serving her church!
Guest Services and Assimilation Program Coordinator
Jamie serves as our Guest Assimilation Coordinator. Assisting our guests and those who are interested in becoming even more involved as a church family member. She has a compassion for hurting people, people who have struggled with addictions, feeling lost and unlo
Guest Services and Assimilation Program Coordinator
Jamie serves as our Guest Assimilation Coordinator. Assisting our guests and those who are interested in becoming even more involved as a church family member. She has a compassion for hurting people, people who have struggled with addictions, feeling lost and unloved, and truly desires to demonstrate the love of Jesus to everyone who walks through the doors of FreeLife Church.
She serves the Lord with all of her heart and loves people unconditionally. Her heart's desire is to see the lost come to Jesus, find their purpose, and move forth in Biblical Discipleship.
Widow's Ministry Coordinator
Joannie has been a devoted churchgoer for most of her life and is a cherished member of FreeLife Church. After retiring from the University of Georgia with 21 years of service, she brings a wealth of experience from a diverse career, having worked as an office manager, budget analyst, and business manager.
Widow's Ministry Coordinator
Joannie has been a devoted churchgoer for most of her life and is a cherished member of FreeLife Church. After retiring from the University of Georgia with 21 years of service, she brings a wealth of experience from a diverse career, having worked as an office manager, budget analyst, and business manager.
Beyond the corporate world, Joni has held positions in a sewing plant, crafted frames for hotel artwork, made window blinds for the summer season, and worked in movie theaters and fast-food restaurants. However, her most treasured roles are those of a loving mother and Nana.
Having experienced the profound loss of two husbands, Joni understands the deep grief that comes with losing a spouse. The Lord has placed a special burden on her heart to reach out to those walking through the pain of widowhood. With compassion and faith, she seeks to remind others that there is hope in God that He is present in every stage of grief. At FreeLife Church, Joni helps create a space where those who have lost their companions can find comfort, healing, and the support of a church family that desires to walk this journey with them.
Head Usher / Finance Team / Facilities Manager
Emmett serves in many capacities. He is our head usher as well as our facilities manager. He makes sure our church campus is up and running as it should be. He also serves on our finance team.
Brother Emmett and his family serve FreeLife Church faithfully wherever
Head Usher / Finance Team / Facilities Manager
Emmett serves in many capacities. He is our head usher as well as our facilities manager. He makes sure our church campus is up and running as it should be. He also serves on our finance team.
Brother Emmett and his family serve FreeLife Church faithfully wherever they are needed. They work diligently to make sure everything is running at 100 percent to ensure a wonderful experience at church!
Media Director
Amelia has been a part of the FreeLife Church family since the young age of 16. She has been so faithful in serving where and how she is needed. She has been drawn to the technological side of media ministry. She see's the importance of this ministry, through the possibilities of reaching 10's of thousands with the Gospe
Media Director
Amelia has been a part of the FreeLife Church family since the young age of 16. She has been so faithful in serving where and how she is needed. She has been drawn to the technological side of media ministry. She see's the importance of this ministry, through the possibilities of reaching 10's of thousands with the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.
Through her personal relationship with Christ, Amelia recognizes that God has had His hand on her life since she was born.
She loves God, her daughter Oakley, and her family dearly. She enjoys hunting, fishing, the great outdoors, and being creative through the gift of art.
For media needs contact Amelia:
FreeLife Church
P.O. Box 1362 Winder, Georgia 30680, United States
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